On the second day of the PROYDE Volunteer Meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of PROYDE and with the theme: "New Financing Strategies, Together we are More", the Project and Communication Managers, Lucía Murillo and Ángel Díaz, presented the new tool of PROYDE for Collective Financing of Development Projects.
Angel made a tour of the specialized websites of PROYDE, Mundo con M de Mujer, Mangrove Cries, My commitment, Virtual Classroom and now Change the World. He also announced that the OnLine Fair Trade Store will be launched shortly.
The grouping of the contents of the web is done around the well-known motto of PROYDE: Many small people, doing many small things, in many small places, can change the world.
An important element of the whole web is to give the opportunity to participate in the collective financing of projects, but following the Values of PROYDE, to do it from reflection and commitment. In this regard, Ángel indicated that: "We know that platforms like this, even from where we have taken the computer modules to make our website, want the donor to click as soon as possible. We think that, if you want, you take your time to think and to reflect if PROYDE is the NGO with which you want to "commit". Be because he knows us and will know us more. Be it because it approaches us for the first time and wants to recognize itself in our Values. If so, you will not have problems clicking. "
There is an option to stay committedfor the attendees of the Local and Territorial Delegations to which they belong: to spread the platform by means of emails, with banners and other elements on blogs and websites . Remember, in the institutional networks of PROYDE and those of partners, volunteers and in the general social base of PROYDE. Without this diffusion, the effort made will not be effective nor will it fulfill the objective of the website: the commitment to the impoverished human communities that trust in PROYDE.
All the software used to make the Change the World platform is free, and the launch of the platform has been done with the selfless work of the volunteers of the Communication Department.
In a few minutes of discussion, attendees at the Volunteers Meeting made some comments and observations. The Communication and Project Departments have taken note to improve the website's features.